My life, and my creative side. Card making. Scrapbooking. Photography. Rubber stamping. Crochet. Cross stitch. Quilt making.
Monday, 31 December 2007
Thursday, 27 December 2007
Christmas and the days after.
Matthew came in our room in the morning just before 5am. He was so excited telling us that Father Christmas has been and there were lots of presents under the tree and on the chair downstairs. He also told us that he'd got a few presents in his bedroom, so we let him open those in his bedroom and told him we'd get up at 6am. Hmmm... lol. He came back in to show us what he'd got, then he went and woke Darryl up. We didn't get back to sleep and we also didn't go down until 6am either.
Set the video camera rolling and Justin made the tea, then we set about opening the presents.
Matthew got lots of Doctor Who stuff, Lego Firestation, Transformers Scalextric, and another ton of things. Darryl got a great limited edition James Bond car set in a metal case, a Blade Runner collectors edition thingy, and more. They got loads. Justin liked all his presents, he got lots of Heroes stuff, he was surprised that I'd bought him a new pair of Levi jeans! I got On the Buses DVD set, complete series, a Disney scrapbook for all our Disney photos to be scrapped, a Tinkerbell and the Disneyland castle in a 3D laser glass cube. I got 2 cd's - Dreamboats and Petticoats, and James Blunt's All the Lost Souls. From Justin's dad and step mum I got a fantastic bracelet. I'd commented way back in April when we went to Woburn Safari park how much I loved her bracelet. Joan (step mum) had told me that it was a Trollbead bracelet and a week or so later sent me a link to see them online. I'd sent a text back to say that it was a little out of my price range, not knowing that that would make her get one for me for Christmas. You can see them here - Trollbeads I think what had put me off was how expensive it is just to get started. Anyway, started I am now, and Justin will get a request from me for birthdays, lol. I have ordered two today from Ebay, from mememeaccessories. A pink ribbon glass bead, and a silver J bead.
Anyway... back to Christmas Day!!
Dad came and got us at 11.30am and there was Santa's Magic Key hanging off the door handle, Matthew thought he was still in there, lol. Presents included my new pyjamas and dressing gown, a scrapbook... Matthew got more Doctor Who things amongst other things, and Darryl got his Casino Royale Poker set in case etc, Justin his dvd's he wanted. Dad had left two presents upstairs by mistake, he'd totally forgotten about them - a DJ mixer music thingy, and a lego vehicle set. Dad liked his presents which included a Coast from the air book, and The Two Ronnies Christmas specials.
Dinner was at about 3pm, it was lovely, and I nearly managed to eat it all. Matthew didn't eat much, he rarely does! Justin almost finished his too, which was good as he'd had a bad stomach all day. Darryl ate all of his, I really don't know where he puts it all.
We washed up straight away after dinner otherwise we'd have fallen asleep. We only nodded on and off in the afternoon, and played with Matthew's toys.
We stayed until 6.30 - dad was glad to see the back of us, lol, no only joking!!! We left coz of Doctor Who being on at 6.50pm. We'd had a good day at dads, thanks dad!!
We watched Doc Who, then the earlier edition of EastEnders followed by the later one, then Coronation Street - you have to watch the soaps at Christmas. EastEnders was brilliant, Corrie...well... it was ok.
Matthew was tired and went to bed about 10.30 with his new cuddly hot water bottle and his new Doctor Who pyjamas with his name on. I can't remember what we done after that, but I'm sure we were in bed an hour later.
Boxing Day.
We got up around 8.30am. Had a cup of tea and all went into town about 10.30 as we'd all got £20 to spend. Matthew got stroppy coz of not being able to find anything at first. I decided that I was going to buy a Trollbead with mine, Darryl didn't spend his either but did later on when he went to his dad's. Justin bought 3 budget games for a tenner for the pc, one being Lemmings Revolutions. Matthew ended up buying the Harry Potter figures, a Transformers annual, and something else that I can't think of at the moment... he had £25 to spend.
Darryl went out to his dad's in the afternoon. We just lounged around. Justin had a bath and used his new floating duck radio lol. I think I had a sleep on the settee while he was in the bath. Later we played with the Transformers Scalextric and Justin made a start later on the firestation lego. Justin also made the Tardis for Matthew out of his magnetix set.
Darryl came home at 8pm and had a bath. Watched EastEnders and Corrie again and we also had "The Old Curiosity Shop" on. Matthew went to bed at 10pm. We went to bed at 11.30pm.
Justin and Darryl back to work today - it always seems to make Christmas come to an abrupt end then. Me and Matthew went into town and I got bargain washing up liquid coz it was in Mulberry Spice scent, should have been two for £1.40 but they were 42p each!! Bargain! I also got some new potatoes and paid money into bank accounts. We came back home and Matthew is watching last Christmas Day's Doctor Who, lol.
I'm listening to James Blunt on my laptop with my headphones on. I do love a bit of James Blunt. My favourite track is Carry You Home, closely followed by I Can't Hear the Music... I also like 1973, Same Mistake, Give Me Some Love, and Annie. I like this album but not as much as his first album... maybe the other tracks will grow on me.
I then listened to Dreamboats and Petticoats, was bopping away sitting here, lol. What a great name for an album!
Below are some photos of our Christmas...
Monday, 24 December 2007
I'm already worn out!
We had our buffet tonight, and below are just three pics that Darryl took of us. I'm still full up, and we had "Fab" icecream later as well, and I've had two malibu's!! Darryl went out when his friend Fran called for him, he is supposedly going to be home at midnight. He better be! It's very strange coz Darryl has only just this year started going out with his mates, and now he's out most nights.
Ok well, have a Happy Christmas, and I'll probably write again on Boxing Day.

Merry Christmas!!
I was trying to get Oh Holy Night for the song tonight, but I couldn't find a version that I liked.
Christmas Eve...
Justin's been home from work or an hour now, and having a shave. He brought home, wine, whiskey, and sweets from work. Darryl is working until 6.30 and then he is going to the pub with his workmates at 8pm.
We shall be cooking our buffet food soon. We always have a buffet on Christmas Eve, it's lovely.
Matthew had a bath this morning, said he didn't want Father Christmas to think he was smelly, lol. I washed my hair and straightened it earlier.
I've taken a couple of pics, and filmed a bit on the video camera, I'll do more later.
Two parcels finally arrived this morning, one of Darryl's Christmas presents from us, and Matthew's birthday present (his birthday is in three weeks!)
Right, I can hear Justin coming down the stairs, so time to go and start the cooking I think.
Saturday, 22 December 2007
Chocolate trees.
I worked as usual today from 7am until 4.15pm. The day went pretty quickly. I had a full English breakfast today, mmmmm, gorgeous!! I might have another one tomorrow... or maybe not - the boss is coming in tomorrow and wants us in the canteen at 9am for tea and a mince pie, at 9AM! Ridiculous time to be eating a mince pie, lol.
Cheryl was hungover again today, she had a major headache for most of the day. I don't know how anyone would want to drink so much that they end up with a bad headache the next day, she'll have another one tomorrow as well. Mad!
Merce gave me a present to give to Matthew, and I shall take her two kiddiwinks their presents tomorrow as well, plus Cheryl's and Ally's, I shall be loaded up tomorrow.
Darryl is working tonight until 11.30!!! It's freezing out there too.
Chocolate trees, so what did that mean? Well it meant chocolate icecream trees. We each had one after dinner tonight. Justin wanted to bring down all the Christmas nibbles/chocolates and drink etc, but we've decided on tomorrow night. Peter Pan is on the telly, and I might just have a bacardi...
Thanks Dad for the musical Christmas card, lol. Have yourself a merry little Christmas, lol.
Friday, 21 December 2007
Final shop...
Me and Justin have now changed our homepages on our laptops to igoogle, love it! So now that looks all Christmassy.
Matthew's been playing on the Wii and Darryl's just gone back to work for the afternoon. Darryl and Abby are going to finish his wrapping up later, and he's still got Abby's pink DS to wrap up, and the game and case etc.
We're sitting her eating Maltesers - Iceland are selling them for £1 a box.
LOL! Just thought... last night Justin thought the cat was dead, lol. I shouldn't laugh, but it was so funny. The cat was in a deep sleep upside down by the coffee table. Justin thought she'd just died as he couldn't wake her up, even after wriggling her nose. I thought, awww, well at least she died peacefully and in the warm, lol. Then she woke up and gave him a dirty look. So funny. She is getting old now, she's 16, but I'm glad she was ok really.
Thursday, 20 December 2007
Christmas cake recipe, a must read!!
1 cup butter, 4 large eggs, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup dried fruit,
1 tablespoon baking powder, 1 tablespoon salt, lemon juice,
1 cup brown sugar, nuts, 1 or 2 litres of Brandy
Before starting , sample brandy to check quality.
Good isn't it? Now go ahead.
Select large mixing bowl, measuring cups, etc.
Check the brandy again - it must be just right.
To be sure, pour one level cup and drink as fast as you can.
With an electric mixer, beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl.
Add one teaspoon of thugar and beat again.
Meanwhile make sure the brandy is of the finest quality.
Cry another tup.
Open second litre if necessary.
Add tow large legs, 2 cups dried fruit and beat til high.
If fruit gets stuck in beaters, pry loose with drewscriver.
Check brandy again for tonscisticity.
Next sift 3 cups of salt, or anything else - it doesn't matter.
Sample brandy again.
Sift lemon juice and fold in chopped butter and strained nuts.
Add 1 babblespoon of brown thugar - or whatever colour you can find -
and mix well.
Grease oven and turn cake pan to 350 gridees.
Pour whole mess into coven and ake.
Check brandy and bow to ged.
Got some cheeses today!!
Justin got my Christmas cards and when we got home Matthew wrote in his "Mum" one and it's lovely, and Justin wrote in his card and it has really nice words in it, and what he wrote was lovely too, awwwww...
We then played on the Wii again when we got home, after bacon sarnies. I'm still a Pro, and now so is Justin, then Matthew when he played on his own a little later.
We're going to make mince pies again later this evening, and it's sausage and mash for dinner tonight. Tomorrow we're doing the remainder of our Christmas shopping in Tesco's with dad.
I had an email from my Uncle Dave and Auntie Jill. They remembered when I got the little pink mouse and it was 34 years ago as my cousin, David, was in his buggy, and he's 36 now.
Wednesday, 19 December 2007
I'm a Pro!
Darryl is on his way back from Thursford with grandad. They had a nice day, and spent some of this evening in a hotel eating a Christmas dinner.
I went into town this morning to get Darryl's present for his dads wife - it's a desk lamp. Flourescent! I also got a couple of glue tape rollers for me and then came home.
It was "toy day" at school today and Matthew took his King Kong roaring gorilla, his Doctor Who figure, a remote control little K-9, and two little daleks.
When it was introduction day when Matthew started school in 2005, he met a little boy called Zach. They played together all that afternoon, and me and his mum chatted and got on well too. Well today Zach left. His mum has taken him out of the school because it wasn't giving him what he needs. Matthew was ok about it today, but when I originally told him he cried... all part of growing up I suppose.
I made a card today for a change, lol. I think it was because it wasn't a Christmas card, it was a tea bag folded card for my card group, CardScraps, next months swap.
Darryl has just sent me a text to say they're at Bar Hill and on their way home and that the temperature is minus one degrees celcius.
Justin is making another blog, this time it's about Lemmings, his favourite game of all time I think. I'll have to link it on the right hand side.
From Home Alone.
I was looking for the Christmas song that's on the Gremlins film and can't find it!!! What's it called???? So, settled for this one...
Tuesday, 18 December 2007
Been and bought the bird!
I came back home and brought the rest of the presents downstairs and it took me about an hour and a half to wrap them. I put them in the built in cupboard by the side of the settee where Matthew can't get to them. I was worn out after that, so had tea and toast, lol.
Dad phoned at half eleven to tell me that Tesco's had no more frozen turkeys and were only going to be getting fresh ones now, so I sent a text to Justin telling him. At 1pm I went to Iceland and picked up a 5kg turkey for £9. I didn't know if it was going to go in the freezer, but it did when I took out one of the shelves.
Darryl came home for lunch and had a sandwich and cup of tea. I've got to go and pick up a lamp for him from Argos tomorrow; he's out for the day with my dad. They're going to Thursford for the day. (Dad, you can click on that Thursford word!!)
Monday, 17 December 2007
A little pink mouse...

Click the photo for a better view!!
I took this picture earlier tonight trying to be a little artistic. I added a little soft focus to it in Paint Shop Pro. Anway, it got me thinking about the little pink mouse that's on the top left of the photo. I bought this mouse from the seaside town of Cleethorpes when I went to stay with my relatives in Doncaster, South Yorkshire, one week when I was much MUCH younger. I'm guessing that this little mouse is at least 32 years old, and it's been on my tree for the last 19 years, and my mum and dad's tree for the years previous to that.
2 more days
I went into town today and bought ex husband's daughter a present for Christmas. I got her a Nintendog's Dalmation from Sainsbury's for a tenner. It has a magnetic bone and when it's wiggled his head, tail, or paw moves too, he's quite cute. I also had to get our dogs a present today, they got a doggy Christmas stocking, and the cat got some biscuits. Dogs cost £2.29 and the cat 49p, lol. Well the cat doesn't like those dried fish things that come in their Christmas stockings, and she'll enjoy the biscuits.
I also bought and posted the last of my Christmas cards finally. I sent off my secret santa swap as well today.
I've been watching The Glitter Girls on Create and Craft - old programmes that I've recorded on Sky+ over the last few weeks. I love their boards!! I only have three of them and want more of them. I discovered yesterday that they have a card I made for my Dad for Christmas last year on their website!! CLICK HERE
My card is the first one on the fourth row down. Click on the image to see it better.
Right, time to wash my hair - Matthew's out of the bath, and Justin's finished his shave.
Thursday, 13 December 2007
When Matthew met Henrietta!
I spent most of the day wrapping up presents for friends - I had about 25 to wrap, and it took me about 2 hours.
I had to buy a replacement set of lights for my garland as they conked out last night, so instead of white lights I've now got coloured ones on that, and it looks much nicer. I saw Darryl collecting the trolley's in Sainsbury's car park, his hands were freezing so I went and bought him a new pair of thick gloves and some money for a cup of tea, lol. He earns more money than me but I'm always helping him out, lol. He was pleased with the gloves.
Yesterday Darryl went with Abby to meet her grandparents, and after me and dad picked up Matthew from school, we came back here to pick Darryl and Abby up and they both came to dad's as well. We had a lovely roast dinner, mmmmmm, lovely. Dad had also put his tree up and it looked very nice, well done dad!
We went home around 7pm and at 8.15, me, Justin, and Matthew made a joint effort and made some mince pies. I rolled out the pastry and cut the bases, Justin greased the tin and layed the bottoms in the tin plus added the mincemeat, and Matthew cut out the tops with a star cutter. (For those who don't know, mincemeat is like a fruit mix, raisins, currants, in a syrupy sauce). We sprinkled some sugar on the top and put them in the oven. We made 22 altogether and had some hot when they were cooked.
The pictures below are of the second mini book I've created. This one has already gone to Justin's mum. I enjoyed making it. I especially love the page where Matthew has written the things he likes and I made it open up like an envelope. Click on each image to get a much better view.

Monday, 10 December 2007
Well... my wrist has improved... but...
I've written out some Christmas cards tonight. I've only made a dozen handmade cards this year, the rest are shop bought. I must get more crafting done next year. I think Father Christmas is bringing me a Disney scrapbook so that I can do both our trips to see Mickey.
I bought a couple more bits and pieces today, didn't spend much, just the odd little thing I still needed. I had to post a cd today as well, and the queue was enormous! It took me about half an hour to reach the front of it. I also bought the Christmas edition of the Radio Times. We had a flick though it tonight and picked out some programmes which are "must see's"
Matthew is in bed but his right eye is slightly swollen. He kept on getting out of bed saying it hurt, so I went up and took one of my mum's rings off and did the magic gold ring thing, lol, he said it felt better afterwards, and we haven't heard anything from him now for about 20 minutes. I know that if I start to get a stye then I do this gold ring on the eyelid thing and it doesn't get any worse.
Tomorrow is another walk into town and post a parcel for Justin, and I realised tonight that I no longer have a yorkshire pudding tin!!! I chucked it out this year and replaced it with a bigger pud tin... well I now need the other size for mince pies I need to make, lol.
Bed soon... and I'll play Jewel Quest on the DS for half an hour.
Thought this was interesting in the Yahoo News today.
The head of Britain's equality watchdog has urged the country to ignore "politically correct" critics and put Christ at the centre of Christmas festivities.
mission, has joined non-Christian community leaders to head off what his organisation says is the growing sense that to celebrate the birth of Jesus is taboo.
In recent years a number of school nativity plays have been banned or altered to change their Christian meaning so as not to offend some minorities.
Mr Phillips, who is to give a speech at a conference on diversity in London, will say: "A lot of these stories about Christmas are the usual silly season stuff.
"But I can't help feeling there's sometimes an underlying agenda to use this great holiday to fuel community tension.
"That's why I asked leaders in different religious communities to join me in saying: It's time to stop being daft about Christmas. It's fine to celebrate and it's fine for Christ to be the star of the show."
Speaking about Muslim, Hindu and Jewish festivals, he will go on to say: "The logic is baffling: to welcome Eid and Diwali and Hanukkah in celebration of our glorious diversity, whilst brushing Christmas under the carpet as an embarrassing episode in our mono-cultural past."
Anil Bhanot, the Hindu Council UK's general secretary who has joined forces with Mr Phillips, said: "Hindus celebrate Christmas too. It's a great holiday for everyone living in Britain. We would like Christians to continue to carry Jesus' message of love. Barring the faiths of others does not fit in with the Hindu religion."
While Dr Indarjit Singh, director of the Network of Sikh Organisations UK said: "Every year I am asked, 'do I object to the celebration of Christmas?' It's an absurd question.
"As ever, my family and I will send out our Christmas cards to our Christian friends and others. In the spirit of Christmas, we in the Singh family will, as usual, force ourselves to have extra turkey, Christmas pudding and mince pies, the lot - all in the cause of inter-faith harmony. No one can say Sikhs don't go the extra mile."
Sunday, 9 December 2007
Good evening.
Today in A & E it was nice and quiet, so I had an easy day. I had a laugh with Cheryl and a brief chat with Ally.
I fell asleep not long after dad left after our Sunday roast dinner that Justin cooked for us for about 45 minutes, then we half watched The Royal Variety Performance; I only wanted to see James Blunt!!
I've been playing a game on my mobile for a couple of weeks now - JewelQuest 2 and Justin downloaded it tonight for us to play on our Nintendo DS's so we've been playing that - Justin still is!!
I got a funny email from my Uncle Dave up in sunny Doncaster tonight, he does make me laugh. Hello Uncle D if you're reading this jibberish.
It's nearly time for bed, so I better go and search for a Chrimbo song for tonight's entry.
Saturday, 8 December 2007
What a Friday!
I spent the morning with Matthew's class for their "Great Fire of London" day. We had coffee first in the staff room, so that was a good start. We then went into the hall and had a brief chat about the historic event. I then had to sit at one of the tables and let some children brush through some soil to find some buried artifacts, and by pure chance, Matthew was in my group. I also had my friend from works son, Micko. They had great fun finding the things, and our things showed us that our family were Seamstresses and lived at Upper ...... hmm, Upper somewhere, lol, I've forgotten now.
After that we had some photos and a letter to read through, then it was break time. Then it was filling out an evidence sheet and finding our street on a large map. Back to the classroom for a "courtroom" session, then it was lunchtime and I left to come home. Matthew had had a great time.
I came home and had egg on toast and a cup of tea. The council then delivered us another recycling wheelie bin coz we get a lot of recycled rubbish, and hardly any "black bin" rubbish. I went out and wheeled that round the back into the back garden, came inside, then got in the bath and had a long soak... mmmmmmm.
Picked up Matthew from school, then I had half an hour asleep on the settee, before going upstairs and crimping my hair - I was going for an eighties throwback kind of look. I put glitter in my hair as well. Darryl and Abby came back from Cambridge after Christmas shopping.
Justin home a little bit earlier than usual, so I dished up the dinner and then after a cuppa, went upstairs and put my face on.
Merce, Micko's mum from work, came round about 7.10 and Cheryl and her dad picked us up at 7.20 and off we went. It was a great night, there was 14 of us. Me and Cheryl had a mixed grill, but it wasn't very hot and the mushrooms were cold, Cheryl's sausage wasn't even cooked!! Followed by Raspberry Brulee. We'd paid £10 deposit a few weeks back, and my meal totalled around £17, but when they were working out who had to pay more money I was told I didn't have to pay anymore!! So that was a cheap night out, lol.
I was drinking Malibu and lemonade - gorrrrgeous!
We had such a laugh, it was a great night. I walked home at 10.40 with Merce, she only lives in the next street to me and it only took about 10 minutes. I was tired and so full up. When we went to bed after an episode of Bottom on DVD I couldn't sleep coz I was so uncomfortable after all that food!
(Niki just got kicked off of X Factor!!!!!!!! Thought it would be Same Difference finally...)
Today I've been to work and Justin's dad and step mum came over and brought the Christmas presents for us, and spent the day here - they travelled from North Devon yesterday. They were playing on the Wii when I got home and having a good laugh. They left at 5pm as they were going to see Joan's grandson in London overnight.
I don't suppose I will be late for bed tonight, I'm tired now!
Thursday, 6 December 2007
Busy few days!
Matthew brought Henrietta the cuddly Rhino home today for being good at school. I shall take some pics later tonight.
I'm out with some girls from work tomorrow night, we're going out for a meal, then they're going on a pub crawl, which I think I'll give a miss - work the following morning!!!
Cambridge United on the telly again... and they're one down...
I have finished my mini book and taken photos of it and I will upload the photos in a few days, probably Monday.
Oh!!! I got the epilator today, a Braun Xelle something or other. I was very brave and had a go on my legs today, and I can honestly say it's not as bad as I thought it would be. It feels like little pin pricks or scratches. The hairs need to be about 3mm, long ones do hurt more, and so does round the ankles. I did one leg, then crimped my hair, lol - I'm a throw back from the eighties, then did the other leg. My hair looked really good and I had an Alice band on to keep it back. Mum's at the school commented on my hair, but by the time I'd got home, because the air was so moist with rain, I'd only got a crimped fringe left!!
Wednesday, 5 December 2007
Today Darryl and Abby went to my dads for dinner, they had a nice time, and Abby came back with chocolate fudge cake my dad had bought for her! I shall have to have words, lol.
We all played on the Wii at night, bowling. It was only Abby's second go on it tonight and she beat all of us, and got the highest score!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow I need to finish the mini book for Justin's mum, as his dad will be here on Saturday. I've got to watch the final episode of BBC HD of Heroes in a minute. It was apparently on the Sci-Fi channel, but it didn't get many viewers. It's done really well on the BBC and will show the second series when it comes out.
I really fancy some chocolate... we've got ten tons of it upstairs for Christmas!
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
Do They Know it's Christmas
I was actually searching for the Ricky Tomlinson Christmas song but couldn't find it, lol, so ended up choosing the one for today.
Nice 'n' cosy.
Last night we had several games of bowling, I got slightly better as the night went on, but Justin kept on winning overall... but I was better than Darryl, but only just. Matthew can play quite well, and he also had fun playing baseball and boxing.
Today I had a friend round to look at my scrapbooks - she was impressed and wants me to help her with getting started after Christmas. I shall be jealous of her spending lots of money buying all new scrap stuff though, lol.
I had the music channels on Sky this afternoon, singing along to their Christmas songs. I was listening to Noddy Holder's top 50 Christmas songs... one of which I shall upload in a few minutes. I also ordered a couple of things online today... an epilator (that should be enormous fun to use!!!), a crimper/tong/curler set thingy, and a new top. Hopefully they'll all arrive by Friday for my night out.
Friday morning I have to dress up for Matthew's school. They're having a Great Fire of London day, I said I'd help out in the morning.
Tonights dinner is going to be a homemade sausage plait (Thanks to Ally for telling me how to make one of those), it's sausage meat and apple sauce in pastry, with roast potatoes, runner beans, carrots, yorkshire puds, and gravy, YUM! I can taste it already.
Monday, 3 December 2007
Do you hear what I hear?
I thought I'd bring a little bit of class to the site tonight with this Christmas song, sung by a choir...
We've been playing on the Wii!!
I went Christmas shopping this morning and got a few more pressies, better not say what they are coz of eagle eyes. Yeah you know who you are!
I didn't do much else today. I still need to finish the mini book, but I doubt I'll get any done tomorrow as I have a friend coming over tomorrow to look at my scrapbooks - she's thinking about starting one.
I'm going to post another song tonight, I've been a bit slack lately, plus I love Christmas songs!!
Sunday, 2 December 2007
So December is here...
Darryl and Matthew put their trees up in their bedrooms on Friday night and it's looks so cosy up there now. Matthew also has a big Father Christmas door curtain that you have to walk through his beard to get into his room. Love it!
We put the main tree up last night and it looks lovely. I feel all Christmassy coz I have UKGold on the telly, and it's TV's greatest Christmas moments - which, I probably watched last year, but my memory is so bad now I can't remember anyway, lol.
I've had my wrist in a strap all day as it's slightly swollen and been hurting for a week. I've taken it off now as it was irritating, plus I had to wash up the Sunday roast things.
Dad performed at a concert last night where Alan Titchmarsh and Pam Ayres also "starred". Pam recited a poem that wasn't one of hers, but dad said it was just as funny. I do love Pam Ayres!! It was also attended by Norma and John Major!
Darryl is at the cinema, don't know what he's gone to see though.
We should be getting a Wii delivered tomorrow. Justin has been watching a site, I don't know what site, but it was one that kept an eye on various shops that had one in stock, and also the last time they had one in stock. He finally ordered it on Thursday. He actually bought one last Christmas that we had fun playing bowling on, then sold it!!! He keeps doing that, lol, it wouldn't surprise me if he didn't have another xbox 360 next week.
I saw Cheryl's hair this weekend. It is lovely! It's the first time in her life that she's had any colour put in it.
Well... Matthew is now out of the bath, so I better put the kettle on.
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
LOL @ the song tonight!!
I apologise... I just couldn't help myself, and it IS beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!
Mini book scrapbook.
Work was ok at the weekend, bit strange without Cheryl though - she spent the weekend at Vauxhall near Great Yarmouth for a tribute bands weekend.
I had a bit of a shock while I was there. I had to go into ITU (Intensive care), and saw Matthew's friends mum there visiting her mum in a side room. I knew her mum was in hospital, but didn't realise she was in ITU. She looked very poorly. The last time I saw her was when it was Matthew's Halloween disco and she came and sat with me. Apparently she is off of lung support today, so hopefully she'll soon be on the mend.
Sunday evening was the Christmas lights "big switch on"... hmm. I left work half an hour early and met Justin and Matthew in town. The lights looked lovely when they were lit up. We met up with Darryl finishing work at the end.
One of my supervisors rang me yesterday and asked me to go in on Thursday and I said YES! I can't believe it, lol. I don't work in the week!!!! It's because we've got so many wards closed and they need reopening so they need the staff to open them. Oh well... another few tenners earned I suppose.
Friday, 23 November 2007
Peterborough was freeeziinnngggg!
We looked in various shops for about 3 hours, then back to McDonald's for lunch. I had a McChicken burger thingy and hot chocolate again, and we had a McFlurry for dessert. Home around 3.30pm.
Darryl had to work at 5pm, and I got in the bath at 5.30pm mainly to warm up!
Thursday, 22 November 2007
I just love Subway!!
Hmmmm... we watched the film. I half liked it, it was one of those long films that felt a lot longer than it was.
We're going to Peterborough tomorrow. Not for anything special, but we're taking Matthew to see the lights in Queensgate. Trouble is me and Justin don't get a day off together very often so couldn't take Matthew any other time. Darryl is coming as well. So it will be breakfast in McDonald's, walk around the shops for a few hours, then back to McD's for icecream and a latte, then home on the train.
I'm now watching the earlier edition of I'm a Celebrity and Justin's made me a cuppa, so goodnight... sweet dreams!
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
Justin had the day off!!!
After taking Matthew to school this morning, we went into town and we had the most scrumptious bacon rolls in Subway. It was a breakfast roll, so we got cheese in it, salad if you wanted - Justin did but I didn't, and toasted. YUM! It was gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could eat one right now. We also had a cup of tea as well.
After that it was getting a couple more bits for Christmas, paper plates for one, and Christmas crackers. I can't believe that we got the £2.50 box when they're buy one get one free!!! I wanted the £6 box, but he won, lol. We also bought a few more pressies, another one for Matthew, and also Justin's mum and his step mum. When we got home Justin sorted out the top of the wardrobe and put more presents on top of it. We then sorted out a cupboard in Matthew's room, and a corner downstairs where Matthew's toys were. There's still more sorting out to do. It's hard with Matthew's toys because his bedroom is too small to have any in there, so they're all downstairs.
Darryl went off to Grandads when we were out picking up Matthew. We went to Homebase to show Matthew the Christmas trees in there. Roz is going mental at Matthew for fiddling with the toaster dial! <<< Justin just added that bit, lol! Well, he'd turned it down to ONE and then told me his toast was done!! Anyway... so here were are sitting on the settee watching England play Croatia in the Euro qualifiers. If they lose, they're out (notice how I don't say "we" or "we're"??) I've also been chatting to some mad people on UKScrappers all from Cambridgeshire. I think I'll get on just fine with them, me being mad and all that...
Oh dear... we lost the football! I can't remember the last time we weren't playing in the European Championship!!
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Cheryl's Christmas card.

Here is the black and white Christmas card that I've made for my friend, Cheryl. She loves black and white cards this year, so this is what I came up with yesterday.
I've made three more cards today as well. That, and watching QVC craft programmes today, I've not done much else.
I've got a beef casserole in the oven and it smells delicious! I shall add some dumplings later.
The weather has been gloomy all day today. It's been dull and raining on and off all day. I quite like the rain - when I'm indoors!
Monday, 19 November 2007
OOOooooOOOoOOHHHHhhh I can't wait!!
I made a card today. Cheryl is into black and white Christmas cards, so I made her one. I used my Father Christmas stamp and embossed it in white. Tiz lovely!
Not done much to speak of today really, my foot hurts = it's done it for years, every so often under the arch it hurts and it comes on all of a sudden too.
Darryl is at Abby's tonight, and Matthew is on the floor playing with his lego Police set. I have Create and Craft channel on and Stephanie is making oriental atc's, lol. Sometimes she really doesn't talk sense...
Sunday, 18 November 2007
Here's Tommy!

...and Pluto and Matthew. Matthew got Tommy again from school for the weekend. He must be very good at school lately, as the last time he had him was on Halloween!
It's really cold again today, didn't help that in the restaurant at work the heaters weren't working either!!
Good weekend at work, glad I'm home though!! Had a nice day yesterday and a chat with Ally who was also working in A & E Saturday. Cheryl won't be in next week so I shall miss her.
Dad is listening to a choir from the Ukraine tonight at church, so I expect he's having a nice time. Darryl has gone to the cinema and forgotten to take his keys and his mobile phone!!! He better not be late in!!
Thursday, 15 November 2007
I went and got some presents with the Christmas money that dad gave us yesterday. I got some bargains for myself!! I bought a pair of pyjamas, a big pink fluffy dressing gown, and a cream fluffy scarf, and a scrapbook album all for £21!! I got a lego vehicle box set for Matthew, so took those things with me when dad picked me up later to get Matthew from school.
We had dinner at dads, lovely toad in the hole and roast potatoes. Darryl got dropped off at his dads later for the cinema, while me and Matthew went home.
Justin had the heating on when we got home so it was nice and cosy.
Today, I have washed the net curtains!!! I've only got the one, but I kept putting off getting it down, but me and dad were talking about doing ours yesterday, so I bet I beat him to it, lol.
I am going to see Matthew in an assembly later today. He has a few lines to say into a microphone, but I'm almost positive he won't say it because of his shyness. We shall see, bless him. Little monster, lol.
Abby is coming over later today, and for dinner I'm just doing mince with onion and chopped tomatoes, pointed cabbage (the most gorgeous cabbage I've ever eaten!!! Sainsbury's half price at the moment), carrots, petit pois, roast potatoes, yorkshire puddings, and gravy... mmmmmmmmmmmm.
The assembly went well. Matthew was good and spoke into the microphone on three occasions, and pushed a toy car on the stage.
Dinner was lovely, the cabbage was as good as it was the other day, even Matthew tried some and mixed it in with his mince. Darryl agrees with me that it's the best cabbage, lol.
Abby didn't come over today as she has a cold.
Oh, and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was brilliant!!! I loved it. I don't think it's Justin's favourite though, and in High Definition it was fantastic. I love HD.
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Haven't I been quiet??!
I took Matthew to his school disco on Friday night. He looked good dressed up, better than he did on Halloween as you can see from the photo. He won some sweets in a musical statues game there as well.

Work was ok. We had armed gunmen and armed police on guard, at least ten at a time, and they looked quite scary with their big guns! Lol.
I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here started last night, I'm annoyed because it's not on interactive or ITV2 during the day, not that I'm an addict of course.
I've been into town this morning trying to buy Harry Potter - The Order of the Phoenix on HD DVD, but now we don't have a dedicated music shop in town anymore, the only place that has hd dvd is Woolworths, and they had the cases out but not the dvd's! December the 18th is when Woolworths will have it in stock!!!! Matthew is not going to be happy after school tonight. Justins says he'll order it from instead. I wanted to watch it tonight :-(
DAD to the rescue!!! I phoned up dad, and he took me to Tesco's, so now we can watch the film tonight. THANKS DAD!!!
Thursday, 8 November 2007
A little bit creative
Justin's HD DVD player came today, finally! He's having a shave now, then he'll get to work connecting it to the telly, should be fun - nothing ever works first time in this house, lol.
Wednesday, 7 November 2007
A little bit Wiggy!

Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Christmas shopping.
Me and Matthew got his Halloween disco ticket today, it's not until Friday, bit late for Halloween but there you go. They were also selling costumes really cheap so we got Matthew a Dracula costume for 50p!!!!! Amazing! I also got a witches wig but I can't get it to go on properly.
Justin has got the football on the telly, Matthew is colouring in on the coffee table, and Darryl has just finished his dinner after coming home from work. Matthew and Darryl have a packet of sparklers for tonight. I shall wash up, lol.
Monday, 5 November 2007
Leona Lewis tonights song. I love this song. I was so glad that she won the X Factor last year, she stood out from the rest, even though the others finalists were good also.
Yesterday I worked on the other ward again, and the staff want to keep me, lol, but they can't, coz I love A & E.
Tonight Darryl and Abby have gone to Midsummers Green in Cambridge for a big firework display. We just had some sparklers in the garden, but Matthew loves those so he was happy, and we also had hot apple pie and custard. There were more fireworks going off over the weekend here. Our dog, Abby, spent a little time in the garden last night watching the fireworks. She is like a big kid, she loves watching them and gets so excited!!

Saturday, 3 November 2007
Hard Work!
So anyway, I'm tired tonight... so goodnight x
OH!! I forgot to mention that I fixed the video camera. Four times poking the reset button and a couple of good whacks and it now works perfectly, lol.
Friday, 2 November 2007
Brothers in Arms
Just coz we like it... and Justin asked who it was when Sky played it advertising the movie channels for this month lol.
Star of the week!!
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
Happy Hallowe'en

Our video camera has been playing up for a little while, and tonight it decided that it wasn't going to work, such a pain. It's only about 3 years old... I still had Great Yarmouth on video and other stuff from this year as well. SO annoying!! It was a mini dv type camcorder, but we're going to have to resort to the old ones which we still have coz they were the among the first types, and no one else would want them, lol. We'll have to use one of them at Christmas.
Justin had the afternoon off today, so we went and got some of our Christmas chocolates and bits and pieces that will keep - good to get them now as lots are on offer. It was nice spending the afternoon with Justin for a change.
Tonight we took Matthew trick or treating for the first time. We just went to five houses, and let Darryl take him up to the doors while we stood back. We had quite a few children to our house as well. We lit our pumpkin (Matthew calls is a punkin') when we came back that Justin had cut when we'd picked up Matthew from school. All in all it was a good night.
Matthew is now fast asleep in bed (10.40pm), he went to bed at 9.30pm tired.
We then watched Celeb Scissorhands, and now Most Haunted Live.
Bedtime soon... zzzzzz.
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
By Orchestral Manouevers in the Dark!! 80's group again. Thought it was a good song choice after yesterday.
So...... Sunday. Work an hour later as it was the day the clocks go forward, so it got dark by 5pm this night. Work was good.
Celebrity Scissorhands started Sunday night and was funny. Steve Strange's hands still shake like mad! We also watched Most Haunted Live.
Monday the electric went at 8.20am!!! I took Matthew to school and hoped that the electric would be back on when I got back, nope. I went to town and took some coins in to change - we do this every year, just saving coppers and 5p's and it's mounted up to £34 this year, but the bank will only accept 5 coin bags a day, a pain, but there you go. Came back home, still no electric! I checked with a couple of neighbours, and they had electric, but another neighbour I checked with, didn't. Apparently it was every third house that was affected. If that were true, it should have been next door to me that was out, but typically, it missed that house and got us instead.
It was weird with no electric. I'd put some carpet freshener powder on the carpet before the electric had gone, and it was still there, lol. There was washing in the machine and I really wanted a cup of tea. Justin had texted saying that we'd go to the chippy tonight to buy us dinner, then ONE minute before Justin came through the door it came back on! He then said he wasn't wasting £20 on a takeaway when there was food in the freezer, lol. He helped cook dinner though, good, coz he wanted fried onions and I hate doing those.
Later we put Matthew's Halloween door curtain back up and hung up his lanterns in his bedroom. We watched Celeb Scissorhands, and then Most Haunted again. Abby was here also, but forgot to bring any money so I lent her a fiver to get home.
Today I took some more bags to the bank and got Matthew some chocolate pumpkins and eyeballs for tomorrow night. I watched the second part of Britain's Love Story, excellent! Last part next Sunday night. Didn't do much else... washed some towels, sent a few emails, picked Matthew up from school...
Saturday, 27 October 2007
Daniel is out of the X Factor!
Work today was strange! Cheryl had to do a ward, plus another area, she was absolutely knackered, lol, and whenever I saw her throughout the day she had a bright red face.
We had a man being resuscitated today in A & E. The relatives asked me if they could leave the area but still get back in again after using their mobile phone. I didn't think it was a good idea for them to pass the room where their relative was in full view because there were so many doctors in there, so told them they could use the telephone in the relatives room instead. It gets really hectic sometimes in there, but I do love working in A & E.
Dad picked me up after work and gave me the other set of his photos to look at, they were quite good. Some nice photos of mountains.
I am now watching Most Haunted Live on Living TV.
Friday, 26 October 2007
Friday afternoon...
We went to tescos with dad this morning, and dad told us all about his holiday as we went round the shop. 2150 miles round trip! Dad enjoyed the holiday and the scenery was lovely, and so are those chocolates you got us dad!! LOL!
Nothing much else to report today. I've done a little bit more of the crocheted bag, but none of the cardmaking cd...
Thursday, 25 October 2007
Dad should be back from Italy anytime now. The last message I got was from Maidstone at around 4.35pm. No doubt dad will have loads of photos to show us.
Anyway... we spent another 2 hours in the library again today. Matthew got a couple more story cd's and we had hot chocolate again. Matthew had a bath in the afternoon and I flicked through the crochet book and started making a bag, lol, we'll see how far I get with it... if it's anything like most things I make it won't be very far. It still amazes me that I managed to complete a double bed blanket.
I REALLY need to keep working on my cd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Man in Motion!
LOL! Justin's choice... hmmm. This is from St Elmo's Fire, he reckons he was singing it at work tonight.
Library again today.
When we got home Matthew found Elf on DVD that we'd recorded a couple of years ago. I nipped into town and got my ranitidine heartburn pills, some paracetamol, and some ibuprofen. I saw my cousin Judith, and had a good a chat with her, and found out that she also likes to make cards. I was talking to her about scrapbooking.
Dad should be at Dijon again now, and tomorrow travelling back home. I don't think he'll be home very early.
Justin is now home and sitting here next to me looking through the telly book... he's just mentioned that Cool Runnings is on tonight... lol.
Matthew is asleep in bed - he went upstairs to watch Nanny McPhee again in his bed. NOW he's on about flipping football!! He had it on last night!!! He's reading every word I'm typing.
He's going to pick my song for tonight, lol.
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Song lengths... hmmmm
Oh, talking of strange!! Steve Strange (80's pop group Visage) is going to be a hairdresser again on Celebrity Scissorhands which starts on Sunday night. I loved the last one last year. It's on for 3 weeks on BBC3 and on BBC interactive all day and it's for Children in Need.
I'm taking Matthew to the library today and he's going to join so he can get his own card instead of using mine. The library is in a temporary building at the moment as they're knocking down the excellent hexagonal shaped one and building a new one on the site. Matthew hopes they keep the wooden train that kids can sit in, but I doubt it, it's really old and the funnel has already fallen off.
We've been to the library. It was nice, not quite as nice as the old library, but still nice. You can actually go to the loo in this one, and buy a hot drink or bottled drink. Matthew sat and coloured in some pictures and done a word search. We looked through some books, and Matthew played on the old wooden train - he was very happy it was there. We were at the library over an hour and a half.
We came home and had lunch and then decided to go up town and go to the pound shop where we bought some Fruit Shortcake biscuits, toffees, and then in Sainsbury's we got Jelly Babies and some other jelly sweets. Lovely, lol.
Darryl wants his hair cut in the three hours he has in between shifts today, so I'll get my zappers on it later after he's had his lunch.
Monday, 22 October 2007
Rythm of the Falling Rain
After watching 50's Love Story last night I got a bit nostalgic - not that I was alive in the 50's, lol, but for the music, so chose this one. I used to have this on an old tape. Anyway, the second part is on next Sunday night, though I shall have to Sky + it coz it's not on till after midnight. I didn't realise who Tony Booth was until last night, and I didn't know that he was Cherie Blair's father either!! He starred as the son in law in Till Death Do Us Part, and he married Pat Pheonix who starred in Coronation Street. Cynthia Payne, the world famous brothel madam was also on there too. It was very interesting, I can't wait for the next part.
Nice day today.
I went into town this morning to get Sophie's pills (she has Addison's disease) I also got bread, loo rolls, and a plug in smelly thing that was on offer.
Darryl decided he was going to Abby's in the afternoon, as she is going away on Friday. I went back up town with Matthew and bought him some Christmas activity books from the pound shop. I also got some more fluffy socks as they're selling out fast, and some other bits and pieces.
I cooked spaghetti bolognaise for dinner. Justin was home about 20 minutes early. After dinner Matthew wanted us to play Fusion Frenzy on the Xbox (the first one, the black one) so we had fun playing that for a while, and I had a glass of Bailey's and Justin has a Smirnoff Ice.
It's now 10pm and it's way past Matthew's bedtime, but as he's off this week he can stay up until 10pm.
Sunday, 21 October 2007
I had to WALK half way to work this morning!!
I got a text from Dad today in Italy. That was good coz I hadn't heard from him since Thursday night when he was in France! He said that it was nice in the sun but a bit windy, lol, and the hotel was lovely.
Work was strange without Cheryl, but I did have a laugh with a paramedic, Karl, I've known him since we were little. We got talking about dogs and he asked what dogs I had, I said I'd got a Lab cross Greyhound (Sophie) and he called her a Grabrador, lol!! Him and his other paramedic partner said that there is such a dog as a Labradoodle, lol, now I know they were pulling my leg.
I saw Ally coming out of Xray so had a chat with her, she'd got me a fridge magnet from her holiday in Cornwall and it says "I'd love to give up chocolate, but I'm no quitter", lol. Ally got me up to date with the gossip as well.
We watched the rugby last night. England v South Africa in the world cup final... we lost. We did get a bit loud and excited when we got the try, but then it was disallowed! Watched the Grand Prix today, we lost that as well!!
On Friday I got three skirts!! Fancy that!
Thursday, 18 October 2007
What?! No song yesterday??
Oh well... here's today's offering. If you were a Sailboat by Katie Melula. I was too busy last night creating that mini book.
Mini book

Other news today.
Dad should have come out the other end of the Eurotunnel by now. He was picked up this morning around 6.15 am and boarded Le Shuttle at 11.20am. No mobiles allowed on the coach. I used mine when we went to Disneyland - I had it on silent!! Dad will be staying in Dijon France tonight, then on to Diano Marino Italy tomorrow.