Tuesday 2 October 2007


Matthew was off school yesterday as he'd thrown up on Sunday, and they won't have them at school for 24 hours. He was very loud for most of the day and was well enough for school in my opinion, lol.
Justin was also off work as he could hardly move after pulling the muscle at the top of his back.
Abby came over at 11.30 and they went to the cinema in the evening.
Today Matthew is back at school, but Justin is still off, he's also now got a stomach bug and is currently in bed. I was sitting on the bed with him drinking my tea, but then he fell asleep so i thought I'd catch up with my blog, after Paula reminded me today, lol.
I REALLY need to take up the cd creating again. I've still only made 7 sets and need to get at least 20 done. I'm aiming for 25.
I also want to do some more digital scrapbooking. I think I'm going to do a Disneyland album that way, although I did make a paper Disneyland page, I might just do a couple of pages in paper, but then a whole album in digi. I can then print that onto 8x8 and put those in an album. It's all so time consuming though. You'd think I'd got tons of that being as I only work weekends.
I'm still loving this laptop, and I use this nearly all the time now. The main computer, Justin will be upgrading probably after Christmas.
We've been following the Oceana on it's Mediterranean cruise that we were booked on... but come to think of it, both Matthew and Justin's stomach troubles might have gone through the ship, lol. The webcam is unavailable for the ship at the moment - out of range, but I will post a pic when it comes back in range. First stop is Barcelona.
I'd better get ready now to pick up Matthew... I hope he's in a good mood.

Matthew is now home from school, and Justin is out of bed.
I just checked P & O's website and here is the webcam view of where the Oceana is...

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