My life, and my creative side. Card making. Scrapbooking. Photography. Rubber stamping. Crochet. Cross stitch. Quilt making.
Thursday, 30 August 2007
All quiet...
Yesterday Matthew and I went to Dad's for the day. Cheryl also came round Dad's for a coffee and a cherry bakewell tart, lol. Matthew was playing swingball, and then in the afternoon we went over the rec to feed the ducks. Matthew also played on the swings, slide, and roundabout, and then we fed the ducks, and then off to the shops where he bought some white mice, and some Jazzles. Back to dad's and we had lamb burger for dinner... I kept expecting to taste beef, lol. We were out in the garden all day long. Home at 6.45pm and Darryl and Abby were here eating pizza and chips.
Today Darryl went to work, and I took Matthew firstly to post Justin's parcels and get more duck bread, then we went over the river near us to feed the ducks there... there was about 10 ducks, and they weren't hungry! Matthew also had fun over on the swings and climbing frame there. We tried the other park by the fire station afterwards, but there were so many people there that Matthew didn't want to go in, so we ended up back over the river park, where he found a smaller boy to play with. Home just after 11.
We got the garden chairs out and made lunch. I made Matthew spagetti hoops on toast, and I had lettuce, cheese, and tomatoes. I had a lay down on the swing after that and Justin came home!!! He decided to have another half day off, so back up town we went to get his brother Adam a birthday present. Got a few other bits as well, then came back and spent the rest of the day in the garden - Justin had to go back into town to post Adam's pressie. We had dinner in the garden also, then spent the evening making more Hama thingies. Justin did Matthew's name in Glow in the dark beads with normal colours, looked good! Matthew made a dog, and I made another guitar. Darryl was out playing football with his mates. I also took some video today as well...
I've now got to make a cuppa tea, Darryl has just got in, and Justin is playing poker on the xbox.
Night night all.... xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
Popcorn Day One

And here it is Tuesday!
Last night was spent making Hama creations again... I really do think we're addicted completely now. Justin spent over and hour creating a Superman "S", for Matthew, Darryl made a skull and cross bones, and Matthew made multi coloured glitter circle and heart. I made a guitar the night before, and Justin had made the British flag, a star with an apple in it, and a duck! LOL! Are we mad or what?! But, it is making us do things more as a family, not so much telly!
And today I started knitting my Popcorn cuddly bear... awww... as you can see from the picture below, I've not got far, but I am slightly further than I was in this photo. I'll have to upload another one tonight.
Sunday, 26 August 2007
Ahhhh, it's Sunday night
Justin and Matthew had been busy today making Christmas trees out of Hama beads, and the astronaut to go with the space shuttle. Justin made a dragon last night as well... think they're becoming addicted!
Cheryl had a hangover at work nearly all day, she's not normally that bad and over it by lunch time, but she actually left work today when I did, she's mad!
Here's a pic of Matthew's other creations, apart from the one that he uses as a drinks mat in his bedroom, which is 4 hearts glued together to make a large mat.
Friday, 24 August 2007
*&!!$£%% Hama Beads!
The sun is now shining for the first time in a couple of weeks and it's lovely. Abby (dog, not Darryl's girlfriend) is laying by the back doorstep sunning herself, and I've got the towels on the line. I can't believe what a totally crap summer we have had this year, and I thought "they" had predicted a long hot summer, but not as hot as last year... well it was certainly not as hot as last year!
Justin and Matthew completed the shuttle last night, and it's pretty good! I'll have to take a photo of it and upload it.
Thursday, 23 August 2007
It's Hama Time
I helped him with the patterns to make the space satellite and the car, and he made the heart and the star himself. He is very happy, and is now making another heart.

One More Chance - Candie Payne
I'm quite liking this new (50's/60's revival) style of music at the moment. What is the genre officially called???? I also love Christine Ag's (spelling!!) Candyman, and some of Amy Winehouse's tracks, Back to Black being one of them. This music hopefully will drown out all the hip hop and r 'n' b we have around at the moment...
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
This Fairy has a name

I made this fairy tonight as a RAK for a lady on our Cardscraps n atcs group, but who?? I'm not telling. I enjoyed making this ATC - there doesn't seem to be much to it, but the background is chalked in numerous colours, I then stamped the fairy in Stazon black. I went round the edge in a lilac ink, and then covered the entire ATC with clear embossing powder and heated it. After that, I put some sparkle powder at the top, and again heated, and then a final covering of clear embossing powder and heated one last time. I then added the lilac jewels to two corners. I shall get it in the post tomorrow morning.
Be Still My Soul
It's my lovely Auntie Muriel's funeral today... this hymn is one of my favourites and was sung by the choir at my mums funeral April 26th 2006
And the good news is....
I did say that I was up to date with my ATC's, well not any more!! I now have to make Halloween ones, my sparkle ones, brown paper bag ones... oh, and wedding ones, and men ones... blimey, quite a few then, lol.
The agenda for today is to go into town, as soon as I get Matthew to get dressed and not be so stressy today. I wish the weather was better - 6 weeks of being stuck inside during the school holiday is no fun. I'm going to buy some chicken pieces in breadcrumbs or something similar, we're having Abby over again for dinner, and the meals I had planned for the week don't include 5 people. Darryl apparently, is going to hers on Friday.
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
Been to the dentist...
I told the dentist about all the trouble I'd had with a filled tooth, about all the painkillers I'm taking, about my dentist saying it was just sensitive. Well, she hit the tooth with a little hammer, I flinched, and said "ow", so she told me it's not going to get any better and said she could take that one out instead of the one I'd gone in for. I was very happy!!! I've now got another appointment with the same hospital dentist to have the other wisdom tooth out that I'd gone to have out today in September instead.
So now I feel as if I've got a thick lip, and I keep biting my tongue. I'm going to have a swig of my tea in a minute and see if I can have it without dribbling.
It's now 17.07, and I'm just as numb as I was just after the injection at 13.40! I was hoping it was going to be almost gone by now!! My cup of tea went cold, so I left that, and now I've made a lovely Douwe Egberts coffee (yes I know it's instant, that's how I like my home made coffee!!)
I'm hosting a swap over at the swap bot site.

I swap with Swap-bot!
Join in!! Click the picture above to go to the swap page. It's an ATC swap. I seem to be well into ATC's at the moment. I keep them all in an A4 folder with 9 pockets sheets inside, and each ATC is also in a little plastic cover all of it's own. I would make things all day long, but I make such a mess!!!
Don't you dare touch my frog!
Happy Wisdom Tooth Day!
Aside from teeth. Before my brekkie I got 3 peoples ATC's ready to post. The Victorian Macabre ones will be winging their way to the US and to Sweden, and of course Winnie's collage ones will be flying off to Norway as well. I do love the ones I've made for Winnie. I have scanned them, but that really didn't do them any justice... I want to keep them!!! LOL! I shall post them today along with yet more parcels for Justin, and it's chucking it down outside.
Justin and I had to get the Bob house out from under the garden swings cover, the cover had blown forward and the house was sticking out the back. We decided to was safer to move it to the garage, and when he comes home tonight, the rest of the garden furniture will also be moved there. It's a shame we didn't get much use out of the new patio set this year, lol. Maybe we'll have a decent September?
Monday, 20 August 2007
Up to date!
Speaking of tomorrow... it's wisdom tooth out day at hospital. I can't wait! LOL! Yeah, joking. I wish it was the tooth that was actually hurting that they were taking out, this one they are taking out isn't giving me any trouble at all, typical.
OMG @ this site!!

Click on it to get a better look! LOL! I definitely wouldn't want one of these hanging on my bedroom wall!!! Mind you... is there a horror atc swap coming up sometime soon???
And what about a lovely doll. Posey here would grace any armchair/rocking chair...

ATC's unknown...
Well that's my annual leave over...
We didn't do much yesterday really. Justin's dad and step mum came over for a couple of hours in the morning, they watched the Disneyland video, had coffee and a chat, and left about 1pm.
Justin went through a couple of boxes of stuff that his dad brought up for him - he did the same last time. So Justin spent some time listing things on Ebay, although I think he prefers Amazon in a way. He said it costs more to list on Amazon, but then it goes for more money than on Ebay.
We watched my recorded X Factor last night as well. Bed around 11pm.
Today I've been into town with Matthew and got him some new socks. I also bought some more glue gun glue, tinned tomatoes, soups, loo rolls - bargain! Charmin Linen Fresh (the gorgeous smelling ones) for £2.49 for four, buy one get one free!!
I've now got a coffee, and half chatting to Totty in Cardscraps private chat room. Matthew is playing on the black xbox and Darryl is still in dreamland.
Quick edit...
It's now 11.15am and I've decided to use Totty's pic for one of the Victorian Macabre ATC's I have to make, but also two Victorian ladies showing their necks. I'm then going to cut out some silver mirror card to look like blades and have red gloss embossed ink dripping off it, lol. We'll see if it still resembles that when they're made.
Sunday, 19 August 2007
Great Yarmouth
Justin's dad and step mum came at 9am and we left at 9.15 arriving in Great Yarmouth at 11am. It was cloudy, but the rain held off for us and the sun shone for a few hours. We had great fun playing frisbee and building sandcastles on the beach.
We had a full english breakfast for lunch, lol, a tea and jam and cream scone in the afternoon, and Harry Ramsden's fish and chips for dinner at 8pm.
We went to the Pleasure Beach - it's a far cry from the one at Blackpool. We went and had a walk round the model railway village, it's very pretty and kept in great condition. We bought a few bits from the shops. Justin bought a dragon, and I got two fairies and a fairy mug, and rock and sweets. Matthew got his other Grandad (my dad) some postcards of the model railway village.
We had a great day, and were very tired. Matthew slept most of the journey home. After a cup of tea when we got in, it was bedtime...

Friday, 17 August 2007
Is it bedtime yet??
Justin's dad phoned tonight to say that they had arrived safely. They stay in a hotel at Bar Hill a few miles up the road towards Cambridge. It will be lovely to see them again.
I'm still disappointed about the ATC's I made that are no good, and have been searching for Victorian macabre/horror pictures. My imagination is rubbish lately as well. I need to get these done and posted by, I think, the 25th of this month!!! HELP!!!
Justin and Darryl are sitting here discussing hd dvd's... We have a hd dvd player, and Darryl has the Playstation 3 which plays the Blu-ray format. Boys and their toys!
Oh well, that's about it for tonight, I'm knackered. Goodnight everyone...

The top four I made for Swapbot. It's a Beatrix Potter theme in case you didn't guess!!
I also made my baby swaps for Cardscraps n atcs today, but can't show those until they've been received. The ones below were also for Swapbot... but they should have been Dark Victorian on the Macabre side... but I did them totally on the Macabre side, so can't send them!!! LOL

Received from Winnie
We're waiting for dad to pick us up for our weekly trip to "big" Tesco's. Darryl is also coming with us, then he's off to Cambridge with Abby for the afternoon. The plan for me and Matthew for this afternoon is a bath, lol, just so it's free all evening for Justin.
Thursday, 16 August 2007
Cambridge United
I've signed up for another swapbot swap. This time it's Beatrix Potter ATC's... I've still got to make all the others yet!! I checked the macabre swap one again, and I've got to make 4 not 5, so that's a bit better lol. I think I shall have to get to it next week.
Below is the stitched card that I sent to my partner and friend, Jeannie, in our CardScraps cardmaking group (unlisted) for this months swap.
Good morning Thursday
Yesterday we did go to feed the ducks and there were around 50 odd ducks all quacking at us. There was one odd white duck all on it's own, and Darryl and Matthew spent ages trying to get some bread to that one duck. They managed in the end.
My poinsettia treasure box stamp had been delivered while we were out today, so not had chance to have a go with it yet, and also Justin's step mum and his dad phoned, talking about what we were going to do on Saturday. It's a toss up between Hunstanton and Great Yarmouth, looking on the weather late last night, it looks as though Great Yarmouth is going to have a better day.
Matthew and I went into town this morning. I posted a couple of Justin's parcels, a letter of mine, and got some stamps. We also bought some plain white card - yes that bargain pack in Wilkinsons for £2.69 for 100 sheets... hmm... it's very thin card, lol, but will be ok to stamp on. I also bought some sensodyne toothpaste, coz I'd only bought a cheaper version the other day.
Matthew is now playing on the xbox again, Super Monkey Ball. I have a banana sitting in front of me I should eat.
I need to get around 9 ATC's made!!!! 4 for my own ATC group - babies and collage being the themes, and for Swapbot I need to get 5 macabre ones done, that is proving hard at the moment... lack of inspiration.
Good afternoon!
It's now 15.09 and it's absolutely chucking it down outside. I did have a load of washing drying on the line, but me, Darryl and Matthew, had to leg it outside and get it in, it was almost dry, and now is hanging on the clothes dryer thing in the house. I hate the thing.
I had half an hours sleep on the settee while Create and Craft was on the telly. On the hour that's just finished, when the ads came on during the programme, they didn't actually show, so you could see the people doing the show moving around and moaning, sooo funny.
Matthew is playing UNO on the xbox, and Darryl is watching him. Matthew was playing with his lego police for a good hour, and Darryl was reading his Harry Potter book.
I've decided it's sausage and pasta bake for dinner tonight, yum! Oh... Matthew has now switched off the xbox and going back to his lego!
I think I'm having chocolate withdrawal symptoms... I tried having a mug of hot chocolate with mint, but it hasn't taken away the craving.
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
Feeding the ducks
Last night we watched part three of Heroes, we've missed the first two episodes, but got the gist of it when we started watching it. I can't wait to see the next part now - how can she just get up of the post mortem table???. We have it saved on the sky hd box, and I think there's another 2 more episodes on there at the moment. Darryl wanted us to watch Shaun of the Dead, so I think we're watching that tonight. I've seen it before, but Justin hasn't.
We also had to play lego last night. Matthew had gone upstairs and got his Police set and Airport set from under his bed earlier in the day. We set the police station up on the table and played with that for around an hour. I think we need to buy Matthew just a plain box of lego, so he can build lots of different things out of his imagination. Mind you, I can only ever seem to build a house!
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
A drizzly afternoon...
Anyway, the gas man checked the boiler and it's in perfect condition, although it will have to be replaced in the next ten years, due to replacement parts not being available. It's already 19 years old. He told me that it will cost in the region of £2500 to replace. I better start saving!
Matthew and I went into town and posted some parcels for Justin, I also posted my stitched swap card to Jeannie. We went to the craft shop and I bought some pink tissue paper for the insides of my treasure boxes. When we got back Darryl left to go to his dads as it's his sisters birthday. I heated up some tomato soup for Matthew, and I shared the tin with him. I then fell asleep on the settee. I was rudely awakened by the phone ringing and a voice resembling the "Internet service providings" bloke on Fonejacker. I was NOT happy. Still, it got me up, so I then made another sugar free jelly for myself and put it in the fridge, and four little pots of normal jelly for Justin's packed lunches.
I think it's going to be chicken salad for dinner tonight, with new buttered potatoes... mmmmmmm... I might just have a banana now though coz I'm starving, well not starving, but could kill for a bar of Dairy Milk!!!
Oh, forgot to mention that we took Sophie to the vets yesterday for her six monthly check of her electrolytes and other blood tests - she has Addison's disease. Her bloods were done while we were still in the vets and they were perfect, so that was good news.
Treasure boxes and Bob??
3 ATC's received
I've received 3 more ATC's in the last few days. The black fairy one was from Vicki in a swapbot swap, and the babies were from Sue from our Cardscraps atc group. All gorgeous. I just love atc's!!
It's now 09.56... Matthew is playing on the xbox - Monkey Ball, and I'm waiting for the gas man to turn up to do our annual service on the boiler. I really hate waiting. I'm not patient when it comes to waiting for anything!
Matthew's now fed up with the xbox, so he's got Disney Channel on and watching "The Suite Life of Zach and Cody".
Justin has sent me a few texts from work today. It's a quiet time at work, apparently they lost a big export contract... not good. They have also made a few people redundant, thankfully Justin wasn't one of them, and we hope it stays that way, it's worrying...
Monday, 13 August 2007
Doesn't it come round quick?!
Justin has the day off today, but back to work tomorrow... I shall miss him when he goes back to work so I'll be texting him all day long!!
Abby is here with Darryl, and they decided we're having chicken nuggets for dinner... I've just had a plate of lettuce and cheese and it was quite scrummy. Justin's made me a cuppa tea, and he's just reminded me it's there, so better go, lol.
Ok, it's after dinner now... and I noticed that Darryl came downstairs and his t-shirt was on inside out??!! He promised me his and her clothes stayed on the whole time... he said it must have been on inside out all day, lol... maybe it was, I can't say whether it was or wasn't!!!!
My tooth has still be giving me pain, and on Friday that I went back to the dentist. She keeps insisting that it's more than likely because the filling was a deep one, the tooth has become mega sensitive. She then painted on some orange tasting fluoride stuff and told me to return the following week if it was still painful. Well here it is next week, and I can say that I'm still taking painkillers twice a day. I have also been paying more attention to when it starts aching, and it's after eating something hot or crunchy. This evening I put a dob of sensodyne toothpaste onto it and it did stop the pain, so maybe the dentist is right with her conclusion. I can't believe how painful a filled tooth can still be, it still seems strange that it hurts this much. I shall persevere a little longer with it for now. Next Tuesday I have to go to the hospital to have my left bottom wisdom tooth out - the roots are bent, should be fun!
Oh.... and tonight I ordered the Poinsettia small treasure box stamp on Ebay. I made another treasure box today, and Matthew gave the one we made together during the week to Grandad yesterday. We got some toffees and put them into tissue paper and Grandad was very pleased.
Sunday, 12 August 2007
Ah... I do like Sunday evenings...
I had a laugh with Cheryl at work today. We both got weighed, and we've both lost 3lbs this week!!! So that's a total of 8lbs for me in three weeks. I have still cheated this week, I'd had some icecream, and a little bit of chocolate... well, quite a few chocs at work today once I was left alone in the staff room with a massive home made box of Roses... still... that weight won't go on till next week...
I phoned my cousin, Tracey, in Doncaster, (she'd phoned me at work, but I'm not meant to have my phone on while in A & E) we had a good chat and she now has my email address. We were chatting about Disneyland and we're both thinking of going again around Christmas 2009.
Justin's now making coffee, he's got poker on his xbox, and the plan for the rest of the night is Big Brother at 9pm, then Hot Fuzz film at 10pm... then who knows...
Friday, 10 August 2007
These last few days...
These last couple of days Justin has been off work, he took annual leave from Wednesday lunchtime. I love having him at home.
Our garden patio set came on Wednesday afternoon, we were just about to go into town. So when we got back, we put it together and it took about 45 minutes to get the legs on the table!! It looks very nice though, and that really was a bargain - I got it for half price!!
Thursday we spent in the garden lazing around, well apart from the hour Justin spent sorting out that corner in the lounge where Matthew's toys are. Even Matthew got in on it and was throwing stuff away!! It looks much tidier now.
Darryl also began a mass tidy up of his bedroom, in anticipation of his new girlfriend, Abby, coming over today. I must say he did a good job. He went through all his drawers and sorted out his old clothes as well, and chucked a load... then gave me a load or two of washing to get done for him.
I cooked chops for dinner last night and it was lovely!! Tonight I'm cooking sausage plait with apple sauce inside the pastry, roast potatoes, peas, carrots, and gravy. YUM! I do love my sausage plait. Abby is also here for dinner. Let's hope I don't give her food poisoning!
It's a lovely warm day here, not many clouds in the sky. I think it's supposed to be the same again tomorrow when I'm at work. I keep meaning to go and sit on the swing but then something comes up and I do that first... I need to make my sugar free jelly for work tomorrow now... swing will have to wait.
Wednesday, 8 August 2007
Bargain or what????!!!
After a cuppa tea, I decided that it was high time that I sorted out the table, and Matthews crates of toys next to it. On the table was all my cutting thingies - sizzix machine, paper trimmer, guillotine, sizzix alphabet, plus numerous other stuff that shouldn't be there. I had to pull everything out, hoover it all, wash the floor and find new homes for lots of things, and sling out lots of rubbish. It took me around 2 hours!!! But I now have a nice looking table with a bowl of fruit on it... ahhhhh, home sweet home. There's another spot that needs doing, and that's the bit inbetween the settee and the reclining armchair... it has more of Matthew's toys in there... JUSTIN????????????
Tuesday, 7 August 2007
Treasured Bob
I made two!!
Justin played poker from 10 - 11.45 then we went to bed...
This morning is a bright and sunny day, the weather people have predicted a shower here for later, but I'm hoping it will stay dry. Matthew's Bob house has just been delivered, so after breakfast and him getting dressed, we're going to put it up in the garden.
Monday, 6 August 2007
Back from town...
I can't wait to have a go with it!! I need to watch the programme on Create and Craft again with Jayne, so I can see what she does. I think you have to stamp out 8 of these to begin with and then cut them out of course, to make the box. You also have to trim off one of the sides sometimes I think... and do you need all that top and bottom on every side???? Hmmmm... I think I better check when the programme is on.
My favourite all time song
Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb. I LOVE this song. It is from the album The Wall which is also my favourite album.
Treasure Box
I'm going into my favourite shop this morning to buy a Treasure Box rubber stamp. It's a rubber stamp to make errr...... a treasure box!! I am going to make one for Justin's step mum.
I feel really tired as usual on a Monday, I could do with going back to bed, but Matthew is up and watching Power Rangers SPD and we're awaiting a delivery of a Bob the Builder house, lol. Darryl used to have a Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles house and loved it, so I thought that Matthew might like one too.
Saturday, 4 August 2007
Bacardi and coke.
Me and Cheryl are on diets. Since giving up smoking I have put on a stone!! Cheryl has put on 2 and a half!!! We are on a soup, fruit, and cereal diet. I have done really well all week until getting home tonight and Justin had bought flapjacks and Mr Kiplings Country Slices... I've not had those for years, so had two! I could kick myself at my weakness!!!
My wonderful friend Julie sent me a photo tonight of her absolutely gorgeous 1 year old daughter, Lauren, she is sooooo beautiful. I have also been reminiscing about our old internet meetings that we went on to Blackpool and various other places. They were such a laugh, and how none of us were ever arrested never ceases to amaze me. I wonder how Sleepless in Sheffield is doing...
I am sitting here chilling with a drink of bacardi and coke. I don't drink usually, but having said that, I have had two drinks in the past three weeks, lol... the other was a baileys substitute. Oh, and I had a Malibu and lemonade the night we ate in Planet Hollywood in Disneyland... blimey, I better watch it!
It won't be long before I go to bed, I'm tired tonight, and I've already had half an hour asleep on the settee!! I still have to be up at 6 in the morning so it won't be a late night for me. I remember when I was quite addicted to Yahoo chat and I'd chat till 5.30am, then go to bed and be up at 7am to start work at 8am. I know I couldn't do that now, I don't know how I managed to do it then!
Goodnight pals... sleep well. Sweet Dreams little Lauren xxxxx
Friday, 3 August 2007
Right, the familiar music of Texas Hold 'em has just started up so off I trot to the settee... Goodnight everyone, goodnight Jules!!!!
Work again tomorrow morning, that will be fun!! It's going to be a lovely sunny day again, and I shall be encased in A & E... wonderful! I don't mind it too much when I get there, although I'm even less keen in the winter when I'm up at 6am and it's still pitch black and freezing outside, so at least I can get up in daylight at the moment.
I have washed all of the crocheted blankets in the house today, well almost all of them. Matthew's little blanket that he's cuddled forever I don't think would survive another wash, and Darryl's one on his bed hasn't long been washed. The blankets on the line have also served the purpose of a sun shade for anyone wishing to sit in the recliners. The dogs have also been in the garden doing a spot of sunbathing. Abby in particular is a bit of a sun worshipper. We have a bald spot on our grass when Abby lays - it's the first part of the garden that gets a bit of sun in the mid mornings.
The dog.
This is our Golden Retriever Abby, or to be more precise, Betdonayr Princess Abby. We have had her since 1999, and she is a lunatic, absolutely demented and oh so loveable, lol. We also have another dog, Sophie, but she's not so photogenic... awww, bless, plus she costs us an arm and a leg due to her having Addison's Disease.
I am bored really, waiting for dad to turn up after the dentist to go to Tescos, not that I want anything, but he just likes me to tag along since mum died. Matthew loves it of course, but I'm not taking any money with me this morning MMMWWAAAHHAAHAAAHHAA - evil laugh!
Thursday, 2 August 2007
So, what about today...
This is a picture of a sunset taken from the back of my house a couple of weeks ago.
Well not a lot has happened today. Our new garden reclining chairs were delivered by a very grumpy delivery driver. I annoyed him for sending back the navy chairs, coz I'd ordered the Cappuccino coloured ones instead to go with the new table and chairs set... I know, I should have got it right in the first place, but the fact was, I'd ordered the chairs first, then saw a half price bargain on a glass table, chairs, and parasol so then had to cancel the blue ones, and order the other ones, but of course it was too late then, so had to have them delivered... anyway, he threw the navy ones on the road, and then threw someones buggy on the road before getting my other chairs. I phoned up and complained about him. I don't normally do that, but he pissed me off with his stroppiness, plus I wanted them to know that the navy ones were being returned - the driver hadn't given me anything back to say he'd taken them.
Matthew loved the chairs, and spent most of the afternoon laying down in one of them, well alternating between the chair and the garden swing.
Justin is playing poker on xbox live, it's a good job I like watching him play coz he plays it most nights at the moment.
I only did a little towards my new cd today. I had to change the size of the inserts to print correctly. I did however sell two of my Christmas cds!! So I shall get those in the post tomorrow, I'd also sold one the previous day... I'll be a millionaire before you know it!