That’s what today is. Yesterday it was hot – 29c! Today it is dull and gloooommmmyyyy, but still hot, well, muggy, and we have had a few rumbles of thunder. I hate storms. I hope it’s ok when it’s time to pick Matthew up from school… or he might just have to wait there, hahaha.
I decided to grab the camera and take a few shots of the garden, in it’s full gloom. My pink roses are on a bush that must be around 16 years old. It was bought as a small patio rose, lol… it is lovely. It must have a thousand flowers on it when it’s in full gloom bloom, and I love it! It will die off a little bit towards the end of the summer, but will still keep coming back right up to the beginning of January!
Underneath the rose bush is a couple of stacking pots, with Sweet Williams, and Stocks, both well past their best.
The old recycling tub now has carrots growing in it, there’s potatoes near the back fence, and some other flower which I’ve now forgotten the name of in the shaped tub in front.
Sweet Williams, Viola’s, Marigolds, and Stocks.
Beautiful Lilies, grown from a pack of bulbs from the 99p shop!
Rain splashes on the windows lol… just for something different!
I hope the weather is nice for the weekend. We have Justin’s dad and step mum down, so we’ll be out for the day. We’re going to Hunstanton, Norfolk on Saturday, and on Sunday we’re off to Bury St Edmunds to see Justin’s grandparents! Me and Matthew have never met these people!!!
We’ve been watching Wimbledon since it started… and now we’re going to miss both the women’s and men’s finals lol… oh well, Justin was pleased that it wasn’t Silverstone’s Grand Prix this week.