Friday, 3 July 2009

A few photos of summer...

Matthew sitting amongst the growing tomatoes! LOL!

In the paddling pool after a hot summers day.

Just chillin' after a hot day at work.

Matthew's sunflower he planted from using a seed from the wild bird food.

The rest of the pictures are some of the veggies I've been growing. I'm definitely going to do it again next year.

Runner beans! Grown from some seeds dad gave me. First sown in the greenhouse, then planted 3 in a big pot with a wigwam cane structure.


This is how the cucumbers are coming along. This is just an updated pic of that other cucumber on a post further down the page. This photo was taken 8 days after the other one.

First RED strawberry, wooooohoooooooo!

I have learned that I need a bigger pot for my carrots next time.
Cucumbers, when started in the airing cupboard only need about 2-3 days in there, then transfer to a greenhouse - mine was unheated and did fine. If you leave them in the airing cupboard, they get too "leggy" and then die when transferred. I did start off another one in the greenhouse, and that grew and is outside next to the other plant. It produced cucumbers about a week after the one started in the airing cupboard.
Next year I shall also plant peas. I wanted to this year and I have no idea why I didn't sow any.
I can't wait to try something that we've grown!!


  1. Hi Roz, fantastic photo's.Matthew's sunflower is AMAZING considering it came from bird seed! Your veg is coming up smashing too. Hugs Dawn Marie.xx

  2. That sunflower looks amazing! I can tell you are really enjoying your garden this year. What fun for you!

  3. Your garden veggies and Matthew's sunflower are all looking great, Roz. It sounds like you are really enjoying the fun of summer.


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Love Roz