Now that I've finished all the Wedding Anniversary pictures/card I had to do, I'm free to get on with my little ellie. I actually started it on Wednesday at dad's, but of course still had to finish the Silver Wedding picture so didn't get very far.
Ok, so this is the kit I'm now stitching.

This is how far I've got. I'm enjoying this kit. It's lots of colour changes but in blocks. I hate doing them where you get the odd stitch here and there in millions of colours, and I hate doing them that are big massive blocks of colours... I'm hard to please, lol.
I got this kit, along with another Humphrey kit for subscribing to either Cross Stitch Crazy, or Cross Stitch Card Shop, I can't remember which one, but the other kits for subscribing to whichever magazine was a Winnie the Pooh kit, and an Eeyore kit... although not the Winnie that was advertised... oh well, it's still cute.

I'll keep you updating with my progress!
Me and Matthew are off to the library this afternoon. I think I'm going to look for some cross stitch books for some Christmas charts. I have all the DMC colour threads as I bought them in batches on Ebay - much cheaper than in the high street.