Yesterday we spent around 3 hours walking and visiting a local Trim Trail that I didn't know existed until Thursday! It's just behind Matthew's school, so he knew it was there. It's great! It's really long and has about 15 "obstacles" to climb on.
We went out at about 11am, straight over to the Trim Trail.

"Come on Dad, I'll give you a hand"


"Help dad, I can't move!"


"Say Cheeeeesseee"
After the Trim Trail, we decided to follow a path that we'd not gone down before. We turned left under a railway bridge that I'd seen before to show Matthew how close to home we were. We then came back to the bridge and followed a path across a small field, under the A14, across another small field, through 2 gates on the way, and it brought us out to the back of the hospital where I work!
We came back to the Trim Trail for another 20 minutes or so, where Matthew was happy to see two friends (my camera battery had died by then, so no more pics), and it was really sunny! It stayed sunny for the rest of the day.
Back home and Justin cut the grass, and I fiddled around in the greenhouse and planted some more bulbs.
In the evening we played Buzz on the Playstation 3, and then Mario Kart on the Wii... I think we all had a great day.
I was wondering why the photo's were distorting when I clicked on them... then I remembered that I'd altered the quality of the file saves for uploading Scrapbook pages to UKS, lol... oh well.