We had to have our 14 year old dog, Sophie, put to sleep on September 19th. She had been getting wobbly on her legs, but while she could still get herself up on the carpet she was fine, but then came the day when she couldn't each time. We decided that it was time, so walked her slowly to the vets on the Sunday night. She fell over 4 times on the way there, but then spent the next half an hour pacing the surgery. It's strange without her here, but we're slowly getting used to it.
Other news.
I got the new laptop, and it's lovely! It has a webcam so I chat every other day with my friend, Jacqui... it will come in handy as she's off to Australia to live in October.
Justin had Friday off work, so first we went shopping with dad in Tesco's where Justin bought himself a new top, and Matthew jeans and two t-shirts. After that, we went into town and he bought me some new black trainers - I wear them at work, supposed to be black shoes, lol. We went and had lunch in a little tiny cafe. It was lovely.
I had the weekend off work, so Justin, Matthew, and I went to Peterborough on the train. First we called into Darryl's to wish our little grandson, Elijah, a happy first birthday. We got to Peterborough about 10m, and headed for breakfast in McDonalds, and then went and done some shopping. We went into lots of shops, and Justin bought some more tops. I got one of those flimsy scarves, love it!!! We had a snack and a drink in the coffee shop at the top of Queensgate, and then more shopping. We met up with Darryl, Abby, and Elijah! Had a chat with them, and then Justin bought me a GORGEOUS bag, I love it!!!!

After that, it was lunch, then we walked to Asda, where Justin bought another top, belt, and me a belt too. Then it was off to Pets at Home so that Matthew could see the gerbils, as he's having two for his birthday in one of those Rotastak cages. We spent about half an hour in there. We then went back to Queensgate and Burton's and Justin got a thin stripey jumper.
We had a great day, and got home about 3.30pm.
Sunday, we went into town and Matthew got another new top. I bought myself a jacket/coat, and a pair of suede boots.
It was nice spending time with them at the weekend, we don't get many weekends together.