The two photos below are showing a few pages from the booklet I received this morning. It's a Facebook application that lets you select photos and change page backgrounds, amount of photos per page etc, then it prints them and sends you the booklet for free!!! Not only that, you can get one free each month!! Amazing! I only did mine last week, not really believing anything would come of it. It's brilliant! I shall do another one next month just of Christmas photos.
You can make your own at HOTPRINTS.COM it is free only for the UK, US, and Canada.

You can make your own at HOTPRINTS.COM it is free only for the UK, US, and Canada.

Below are some photos of when the snow started again last night. It's been snowing on and off since the end of last week. I can't remember the last time when snow was on the ground during Christmas time!
Matthew loves the snow... dad slipped over on the ice yesterday, didn't break anything thank goodness!