Click on the above image for a much better view, plus you'll be able to read it, lol.
This is my cross stitch picture that I'd made for Sean a couple of months ago! It's the STAR LETTER in issue 67, on general sale July 2nd, of Cross Stitch Card Shop. Wooohoooooooo. I knew they were going to publish it, but I didn't know until the Friday just gone that I was the star letter! I got an aperature card pack with stickers, and £30 to spend in the Card Creations magazine!! I think I'm spending it all on scrapbook papers.
Today I have got a poorly back and left heel... sniff. Last night after work it was so hot and I decided to put a skirt on, lol. I very rarely wear a skirt in the summer - I do in the Winter. (I know, how weird is that?!) So anyway, put my lovely long thin cream skirt on and made my way downstairs... Our stairs curve at the top and it was up there that I trod on my skirt! My foot then slipped and I landed on the edge of one of the stairs with such a thud, lol, and my foot seemed to stomp on the edge of another stair. Today I feel like my back has a trapped nerve in it, and my left foot feels like I have Plantar Fasciitis in that one as well as the right one! (Must say though, my right foot hasn't hurt like it did four or so years ago, just every now and again, but the left foot is painful).
Oh well... carry on as normal, albeit a bit slower.